2019 – materialEVENT.
Material + new process = new trends and creativity!
We would like to immerse you in the effective materia of the materials. Toether with raumPROE, we invite you to a special material seminar titled: Materials + new processes = new trends and creativity! To Thun

2019 – architect@work.
15. – 16 Mai 2019
Messe Zürich – Halle 3 und 4
an der Wallisellenstrasse 49 in 8050 Zürich

2018 – materialPREIS.
sublidot® gewinnt den materialPREIS2018 von raumPROBE gleich in zwei Kategorien.
Insgesamt wurden 31 Materialien und ihre Hersteller aus Industrie, Handwerk und Gestaltung mit dem materialPREIS 2018 – der Auszeichnung für besondere Materialien ausgezeichnet.

2018 – architect@work.
Visit us at the CongressCenter in Wiesbaden
Stand 111
The exhibition concept exclusively for architects, interior architects, engineering firms and other planners celebrates its premiere in the Hessian state capital Wiesbaden from the 29th to the 30th of May 2018 and we are there with sublidot®.

2018 – material REPORT.
materialreport 2017/2018
New materials – new trends
Pulse generator in mutual dependence

2018 – swissbau.
sublidot to see at the swissbau
Halle 2.1 K92 bei Orea AG
Halle 2.2 A37 bei Küng Sauna & Spa AG

2017 – modulor.
Launch of sublidot
With sublidot, Strasserthun succeeds in advancing into a new dimension with regard to material processing.

2017 – german
design award.
The Collection – MDF patterned, which is developed in close cooperation with six designers, GOLD-Winner in the category Excellent Product Design – material surface.